Integrated PhysX RBD, Splines, Swarm, Voronoi, Animation and many more.
NodeWorks particles are organized into groups and clusters and they're the very foundation for the cloth, soft body dynamics, rigid body dynamics, fractures and other simulations within the NodeWorks.
Particle custom channels can be used with Arnold renderer's user data textures which makes it easy to use particle attributes for shading.
Voronoi Fracture
Fast and robust geometry fracturing using various built-in patterns, particle group and custom fracture contact points.
Face Shatter
Use various activation methods to gradually disintegate objects on a face/polygon level.
Simulate realistic behavior of fish schools, flocking of birds or swarms with direct control over physical parameters.
Connect particles with splines in various ways and render as geometry or procedurally as Arnold curves.
Rigid Body Dynamics
NodeWorks uses nVidia PhysX for rigid body dynamics as well as cloth and soft body collisions.
Convert any shape of even fluid simulation into cubes.
Extensive support for node based shape animation - play, stop or switch animation based on other events.
Full support for: Arnold renderer points, curves, instances, procedurals , user data and FStorm instances.
Make sure to extend your subscription on time as we are not automatically charge credit cards to extend subscription.
Once your FumeFX 6 subscription expires you will be able to load and render caches but you cannot run simulation, acess or change any parameter inside the user interface.
The same rules apply for FumeFX and NodeWorks while ISurf requires license for rendering.
Your FumeFX 5 perpetual license will be valid regardless of FumeFX 6 subscription and may continue to use it. However, FumeFX 5 is an obsolete version now and will not be updated.
We do offer educational license at $95 for one year subscription. It is available for high school or colledge students, staff members, schools and other educational or non-profit organisations.
Contact us if you wish to order educational license. Volume discounts are available.